To our Chianti family & friends,
A special thanks to those of you who continue to send well wishes, and inquire about the status of Chianti. First, let me say that the staff & I miss you. We miss seeing you, and serving you.
Each individual and business must make their own decisions on how best to navigate the new norms of today. For us, the virus and the safety protocols that are necessary to help keep everyone safe make it difficult to offer the warm and intimate experience that has come to define Chianti.
With all that's going on in the world right now, we decided to keep the restaurant closed for the time being. After 27 years, it seems as good a time as any to step back, recharge the batteries, get inspired by new menu & dining ideas, and make some renovations to the restaurant. We continue to monitor the everchanging health, economic, and social landscape, and it is our hope to come back revitalized & ready to begin the next chapter of Chianti.
Meanwhile, we ask that you continue to support your favorite restaurants, and help out musicians by watching their live stream concerts and making a donation if possible.
Most importantly, please be safe out there, and we look forward to the day that we can once again celebrate life with you!
All the best,
Rich & the staff of Chianti